Safer Gambling
Whether it’s buying lottery tickets, scratch-offs or spinning the reels of video poker, gambling involves risking money in exchange for a chance to win. It can be an addictive activity that makes people lose sight of what’s important in life. Here are a few tips for safer gambling:
Never gamble with money that you need to pay bills or rent with. It’s also a good idea to set a dollar limit before you go to the casino and stick to it. This will help prevent you from spending more than you can afford to lose and ensure that your wins don’t become losses.
Gambling is unpredictable, and our brains are naturally wired to seek rewards. That’s why we often feel a rush when we win, and a sense of regret or loss when we lose. It’s also why it’s important to keep your gambling activities in balance with other hobbies and recreational activities that are less costly and more rewarding.
Some people can easily walk away from a game of poker or the slot machine after a few rounds and still enjoy themselves, but others struggle to do so. Several factors play into this, including how well the prefrontal cortex is activated. This area of the brain is responsible for decision-making and self-control, and as we age it becomes less active. This might explain why older adults are more likely to develop gambling problems than younger adults.
Another factor is the frustration that comes with not being able to control gambling outcomes. This might lead people to try to gain some control by taking certain actions, such as throwing the dice in a particular way or wearing a lucky shirt. However, these things do not actually increase or decrease a person’s chances of winning. They’re just an attempt to make the experience more enjoyable.
If you know someone who might have a gambling problem, speak up. It’s important to address the issue early on so that your loved one can seek help and treatment. Suggest calling a helpline, seeing a health care professional or attending Gamblers Anonymous. Be supportive and listen carefully without judgement, and try to avoid downplaying or lying about the problem.